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2014.09.09 学术报告通知
14-09-11 | 编辑: | 【  】【打印】【关闭

报告人:Dr. Lynne van Herwerden(澳大利亚James Cook 大学)
报告题目:DNA threads unravelled: Studies of change in space and time.
时间地点:9月9日(星期二)15:00  204会议室

Dr. Lynne van Herwerden is a senior Lecturer in the School of Marine & Tropical Biology, James Cook University. She is currently undertaking genetic studies of tropical fishes, elasmobranchs and seasnakes.
Research topics cover reef fish evolutionary history, ecological and behavioural genetics, hybridization, adaptation; most have fisheries / conservation management applications. She have published 88 scientific papers, with 12 papers cited over 50 times each and the most cited one  appeared in The Lancet (impact factor 30.8) achieved 171 citations. Her H-index is  23 and her total citation is 1398. Reviewer for a number of Journals and funding organizations, e.g. Evolution, Molecular Ecology, Marine Biology, Coral Reefs, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution; NSF, NMFS, NWO. Member of Genetics Society Australia.
Current research foci are a) Connectivity and population structure for conservation and fisheries management applications, b) Acclimation and adaptation of tropical fishes to stressors, c) Reef fish evolution and response to environmental change, including identification, characterization and expression of candidate genes, transcriptomics, genomics, epigenetics, d) She currently have a pilot study underway to quantify the proportion of microplastics : plankton in GBR waters and to detect ingested microplastics within the plankton sampled, using GC-MS spectroscopy.


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